
Personal page from migaman xyz
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo


Hi, my name is Michael. I’m a software engineer from Lucerne, Switzerland. My work ranges through many areas of software development: data modelling, writing business logics, customer contact, deciding the architecture, data analyzing, server configurations, deploy & deliver applications, support in the running system, introducing development processes, frontend development, and so on…

My favourite work is directly related to data, namely writing sql queries, etl jobs or just solving data mysteries.

I’m thankful to have such a great job and do it with great passion and pleasure. Which doesn’t mean that I don’t have other hobbies; especially sports like football, floorball, surfing and snowboarding.

My Story

When I was fourteen my mother bought a computer to do the accounting for her restaurant. It ended up that I “broke” the computer just after a few days. Luckily a school friend had more experience than me and showed me how to fix it and we freshly installed Windows 95 together. From then on, I knew that I cannot break it, and tried out even more things. I can’t say how many times I had to reinstall the OS, but it was many times.

These first experiences helped me to get an apprenticeship in a company in 1998. It was a small software development company, where I had a really good mentor, who taught me the 101 of software development. My very first project was a football manager tool, where you could entry the results of the matches and it created the league table. It was written in Pascal.