About five minutes after I removed my mobile phone number from my Facebook account they logged me out automatically. Since then I can login, but I cannot process further. Instead the following message appears:
To help keep your Facebook account secure, we have an automated security process that checks lists of passwords that have been stolen from other websites and pusblished online.
The password you use on one of those sites matches the password you use on Facebook. We aren’t aware of any suspicious login activity on your account, but we’ll walk you through a few steps to change your password and help keep your account secure.
After pressing continue the only option to process further is to upload a copy of an ID card:
Why should I upload a photo ID for changing the password?
What really bothers me is that I haven’t used this password somewhere else. I can even recover the account via e-mail and change the password but the message still appears.
The account recovery process is proof that this so called “automated security process” isn’t just doing what it should do.
Luckily I haven’t used Facebook very often in recent years, so I was easily able to decide to stay away forever either than to send them an ID. Problem? It’s not possible because of this automated security process:-)
Even it’s my personal data and I have the login credentials they don’t let me delete it. Bye Bye Facebook, Internet is greater than you!